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Payment for all eBay orders must be completed through eBay Payments. We require immediate payment for "Buy It Now" and "auction" style listings.
We ship within the 48 contiguous United States. Tracking is provided for all US domestic shipments.
While we try to maintain accurate quantity in our listing, items listed on eBay may be sold elsewhere before the eBay listing ends. If you bought an out of stock item, we will cancel your order and issue a refund. Please do not leave negative or neutral feedback for cancelled orders.
Unless otherwise noted, all products sold by Bargainbookstores are brand new in retail packaging and include U.S. manufacturer warranty.
We want to ensure your satisfaction. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase or shopping experience, we would like to hear from you. Please contact us using eBay Messaging . Please be sure to include your contact information and order number. Please note: Business hours are Monday-Friday. We try our best to respond to all questions and comments within one business day.
Bargainbookstores does not sell or market customer information to other businesses or organizations.
We are constantly striving to improve our service and would love to hear your comments. Please contact us using eBay Messaging
Bargainbookstores accepts returns within 30 days of order receipt.
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